Drawing from centuries of bloody lessons learned in special operations combat, this guide offers modern soldiers the best training possible. In straightforward language and no-frills style, it covers deception, stealth, communications, escape and evasion, ambush operations, booby traps, perimeter defense, counterintelligence, and more. Ranger School will take you to places physically and emotionally you never imagined. It will test your mental toughness and your commitment to graduating.
The Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, in partnership with the Army Distributed Learning Mobile Division (TADLP), has published a digital Progressive Web Application of the Army Ranger Handbook. It offers the techniques and tactics that make Army Rangers the world’s most highly trained and lethal soldiers. These infantrymen specialize in airborne assault, raids, recovery of personnel and equipment, and airfield seizure, among other difficult and dangerous missions.
The 2017 edition of this manual – the latest public release – is stuffed full of Ranger expertise – The How To’s, Do’s and Don’ts of the Trade. It contains over 400 pages of clear and precise details on combat, communications, booby traps, repelling, survival, demolitions, and more. Drawing from bloody lessons learned over two centuries of special ops combat, this book provides modern soldiers with the finest training available.
This Civilian Reference Edition reissue of the official US Army Ranger Handbook SH 21-76, 2000 Black Cover Version is a beautiful double-bit historic reproduction printed on high-quality paper with color laminated covers to withstand harsh outdoor use. The book has a coil binding on the top for easy flipping and handling. Its thick, durable pages are designed to withstand the test of time and use. This Army Ranger training manual is the ultimate guide to wilderness and remote operations, including leadership, operations, fire support and movement across various types of terrain, patrolling, battle drills, military mountaineering, water operations, and Ranger urban operations.

Is the Ranger Handbook Still Useful?
The latest edition of this Army manual presents the techniques and tactics that make Rangers the world’s best soldiers. These highly trained, easily deployable infantrymen specialize in airborne assault, raids, recovery of personnel and equipment, and airfield seizure, among other difficult and dangerous missions.
With a focus on deception, stealth, communications, escape and evasion, ambush operations, booby traps, demolitions, perimeter defense, counterintelligence, and more, this app offers everything Rangers need to be effective in the field. Written so they can easily carry it into the field, this updated version of this Army manual features the latest April 2017 information.
This update to the Ranger Handbook includes:
New /areatrack command, a useful search command similar to EQ’s tracking system. This can be used to find creatures, NPCs, and players from a distance. As a Ranger progresses up the track skill tree, additional options and modifiers will become available for use with this command.
A new option for a Ranger to become a melee specialist, although this does not add any mechanical benefits beyond that of having a secondary weapon. This option still does not solve Ranger melee’s weakness compared to other classes.
This small update moves the Ranger discussion forward in some small ways but not in any significant way. It does include some new options to double down on class functions like superior animal empathy and archery but also adds some weird stuff, such as kits (the equivalent of prestige classes in 3e) that do nothing to make the Ranger more flexible or interesting.
Is Ranger School Hard?
The Army Ranger school is one of the most grueling military training programs available to soldiers. It is designed to challenge soldiers physically and mentally and to teach them the skills necessary to be effective combat leaders. The program is known for being particularly tough on the body, as it involves a lot of walking and carrying heavy weighted rucksacks for long periods of time. It also includes a number of mental stressors, such as sleep deprivation and the intense fear of failure.
Students who successfully complete the program will earn a Ranger tab, which can be worn with pride on uniforms. They will also have access to advanced leadership positions within the military. The experience of Rangers is often regarded as life-changing, and it provides them with a sense of self-reliance and perseverance that can be used in any situation.
While it is certainly true that the Army Ranger school is a difficult program, it is not as hard as some people might think. For those interested in completing the course, many resources are available online to help them prepare. These include a ranger handbook, which outlines the techniques and tactics that make Army Rangers some of the best soldiers in the world. In addition to reading the Ranger handbook, it is also important to be physically prepared for the challenges of the course. This can be done by practicing a range of physical exercises, including running, swimming, and lifting weights.

What’s the Hardest Part of Ranger School?
Ranger School is a challenging, physically and mentally demanding training course that teaches soldiers the fundamentals of patrolling and leadership in an intense simulated combat environment. In order to earn their Ranger Tab, students must complete three phases: the Benning Phase (also known as RAP week), the Mountain Phase, and the Swamp Phase.
The hardest part of Ranger School is overcoming mental and emotional stressors. This is largely due to the high standards of peer evaluations and the fear of failure and shame, along with the extreme sleep deprivation and hunger. Students must also learn how to operate in a high-stress and muddy environment with little equipment or food.
In addition, it’s important for students to be well-prepared before they go to Ranger School. They should read the Ranger Handbook to familiarize themselves with its contents and practice patrolling and rifle platoon tactics. In addition, they should focus on building physical stamina and practicing leadership skills to prepare for the rigors of the Mountain Phase.
While the Army has lowered some requirements in recent years, it remains a difficult and rigorous course for those who are dedicated to earning their Ranger Tab. The training is not for the faint of heart, and those who do not commit to it will quickly find themselves relegated to a regular unit in the Army or Marine Corps.