Milper is a nifty program that was designed to get Soldiers up to speed on new information. It can be accessed with a quick faff on a web browser and is an easy way to impart new knowledge to the troops.

MILPER messages are released throughout the year and contain information about everything from incentive pay to eligibility rules. These messages are also designed to be a fast and convenient way for Soldiers to get their questions answered.

For example, the latest MILPER message explains how to submit a letter to the board. This is a critical step in the promotion process, and it should follow the guidelines set forth by Army writing style. Otherwise, the letter will be disallowed. This can significantly impact a candidate’s chances of gaining a promotion.

The MILPER message messages list provides important procedural guidance to soldiers in the field. This list is updated frequently, so it’s important to check it daily. Having the documents you need to fill out your MILPER Form, such as performance evaluations or recommendations, is also a good idea.

Some of the most common uses for a MILPER include submitting information for consideration by promotion boards or requesting a review of personnel actions. Individuals may also use MILPERs to submit nominations for awards or recognitions. These forms can be filled out online, in person or by fax. The process of filling out a MILPER form is simple and straightforward, but it’s important to follow instructions and guidelines carefully.

One sergeant claims she was denied a STAB for the FY11 and FY12 USAR AGR SGM Selection and Training Boards because she did not meet the eligibility criteria in MILPER messages 12-049 and 13-037. She believes these MILPER messages did not address the SMC attendance criterion for MSGs who are SMC graduates. The enlisted promotions branch disagreed with her claim, and she was not granted a STAB. She has since filed a judicial appeal with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.

MILPER Messages

MILPER Messages

The Army releases MILPER messages throughout the year to impart new information to its personnel. These messages are designed to be quick and efficient ways to impart information. They expire 365 days from the date of publication and are updated frequently. These updates are a great way to keep track of the latest changes in Army policy and procedures.

These messages also provide guidance for how to prepare and submit letters to the board. Soldiers should be sure to follow Army writing style guidelines when composing these letters. They should also be direct and avoid using unnecessary words or phrases. If you have any questions about a MILPER message, contact the proponent of that message for assistance.

The MILPER message index is a web presence allowing Soldiers to view the latest information on the Army HRC website. It is updated daily and can be found by entering the URL “” into a browser. To access the MILPER message index, you must have a username and password for your HRC account.



The Army’s MILPER messages are a great way to convey new information to field personnel. They are posted online and provide quick, efficient ways to impart information to Soldiers. They are frequently updated and expire 365 days from the date of posting. Upon expiration, they will be replaced by a new one.

Currently, the MILPER message index includes many different pages, including information about training, career counseling, and more. Soldiers can find the latest MILPER message by visiting the Human Resources Command website and entering their DA number or their unit’s url. If they can’t find the MILPER they want, they can always contact their unit’s HRC for more information.

Some of the most important MILPER messages include MILPER 19-290, which clarifies the process for requesting Army training. Specifically, Soldiers who are in shortage MOS’s, as listed in the current IN/OUT call MILPER message, must select a different MOS before requesting training. In addition, they must submit a request to HRC for a strength management decision. Any questions regarding this should be directed to the proponent of the MILPER message. They can also contact their CG or RPC for assistance. This regulation takes precedence over any other RPT messages relating to the MOS selection process.